How We Set Up Our Homeschool: Part One

OK this is written AS we are setting up for homeschooling. We are still not fully clear on the ins and outs of what we have planned. I have purchased a beautiful curriculum from Blossom & Root. I’ve also promised my daughter a wolf unit study. And of course I’m most excited to teach Spanish and art. It’s still pretty loose as far as what exactly we’ll learn and when. BUT we have started to set up the area where we’ll study and are gathering materials. Here are some of what we have figured out so far:

  • Comfy chairs. We need chairs for relaxing and chairs for writing/art making/working. We have some of our materials - such as books of poetry and art - upstairs where we usually hang out as a family in the mornings and evenings. Then, in our designated homeschool area, we have comfy chairs and baskets of books and magazine (like High Five and Spider) and we have three tables set up with upright chairs for writing/art making/working. I am putting a sewing machine and art supplies on one of these tables, academic supplies - like pencils, post its, paper clips, folders, etc. - on another. The third wide is staying wide open and clean because a clear surface with nothing on it is one of the things that makes me the happiest. Oh the simple joys of a tidy space!

  • Maps. We are putting maps up all over the walls. We also have a globe. I find it so helpful to be able to place events and people into a map both in 2D and 3D as I’m learning. Plus maps are so beautiful! We got most out of an old supply of National Geographic magazines scavenged from the thrift store.

  • Letters and numbers reference guide for the walls. My daughter has slight dyslexia and, even as she’s entering third grade, continues to struggle to write her letters and numbers correctly. These will be hanging directly above the work table.

  • Storage for art supplies. This continues to be a work in progress, as no matter how much storage I buy and set up, I end up forgetting what I have. Visible storage or a strategy for having things well-labeled and regularly inventoried seems to be necessary.

  • Artwork. Artwork for the walls is a MUST. We want to be inspired, as well as enjoy the fruits of our labor.

  • Bookshelves. A no brainer.

  • A holder for folders and work in progress. I’ve ordered this one. I’m not sure exactly how much paper products we will produce. I’d like to avoid worksheets, but obviously some workbooks are needed. And my daughter needs as much practice with writing as possible. So I know we’ll need some storage for these things. I’ll keep you posted on how this all shakes out in reality!

OK. I promise to add a picture when this is all complete. Until then, let me know if you have any essential items we should make sure to have in our homeschool area. Next post will also cover WHAT we are going to teach and how.


Week One Reflections


Daily Rituals for Mama Wellness