
Hi! I’m Jordan.

I am a psychologist, school psychologist, writer, mother of 3 (also a twin mama!) living in northwest Montana.

This blog is my attempt to document our family’s experiences trying to “have it all” by having and doing less. “Doing less” for our family means homeschooling, working less, and honoring our family connection as the top priority of our lives.

The focus of this website is on sharing my experiences as a homeschooling mama, including how my approach to home education is informed by my training and work as a psychologist and school psychologist. I offer ideas, resources, and strategies for home learning, mama wellness, and family fun.

My hope is that anyone who lands here leaves feeling calm, confident, and capable of living life on their terms.

Thanks for popping by on your journey!

If you like what you see here, you may enjoy my Substack newsletter for Sober Curious folks and my blog for Psychology Today on the topic of Buddhist Psychology.

If you like what you see here, you may enjoy my Substack newsletter for Sober Curious folks and my blog for Psychology Today on the topic of Buddhist Psychology.