Favorite Homeschool Websites & Resources

There is an incredible wealth of information available online, via podcast, and of course in countless books about homeschooling available these days. What a gift! And yet, it can also be quite overwhelming. In an effort to help you sort through all that’s out there, I offer you this list of my favorites:

For getting started with secular homeschooling:

  • The Secular Homeschooler is a great resource for learning about secular homeschooling. It’s a database of information, with how-tos, reviews of curricula and tools, educational bundles and more. A great place to start!

  • The Blossom & Root Blog is a beautifully comprehensive blog written by a homeschool mama (who also offers nature-based and literature-driven curricula.) She shares her own resources, as well as tips, tricks, strategies, and resources from others that she likes. A great resource!

  • Homeschool Naturally has a great, inexpensive guide for getting started with secular homeschooling, including checklists and all the important particulars. She also offers lovely unit studies and other tools and resources.

For learning about different homeschooling styles:

  • Simply Charlotte Mason has a fun article and video about the “five flavors of homeschooling,” so you can learn more about different approaches to determine what suits your family.

  • Homeschool.com has a detailed podcast going into the different theories of education and models of home education.

Homeschooling for neurodiverse learners:

  • My Little Poppies is written by a former school psychologist (like me!) who has chosen to homeschool her kiddos due to one child needing a different educational approach due to his neurodivergence. She is awesome! Tons of amazing resources and tips for homeschooling families.

For a deep dive on picture studies:

  • A Humble Place, which is a BEAUTIFUL blog written by a homeschool mama with an art history background. She has many free and paid resources for understanding the Charlotte Mason picture study and ways to incorporate it into your homeschooling.

For a deep dive into the morning basket:

  • Blossom & Root has a great peek into their morning basket routine. Very inspiring!

  • Pam Barnhill’s podcast is a super comprehensive resource for learning about the morning basket process and how it works best with different ages, stages, and family compositions.

For a deep dive into the importance and joys of read alouds:

  • Read Aloud Revival is the place to go to learn more about reading aloud as a daily routine for the homeschooling family. I took a lot of comfort in learning about the benefits of reading aloud, as it’s something everyone in my home enjoys and it comes with zero pressure on our developing readers.

For those curious about unschooling:

  • The Natural Child Project has a great summary of the idea behind unschooling and the potential benefits of this approach. I am still warming to this idea (old habits die hard!) but it makes a lot of intuitive sense to me.

  • Zen Habits has a deep dive into this topic and also lists a bunch of other unschooling resources at the bottom of this article.

I will continue to add to this list as I discover them! Feel free to send any recommendations my way:)


Glacier National Park with Kids


Getting Rolling with The Morning Basket